Awarded "One of Sweden's top 12 Climate Solvers" by WWF.
Introduction SkyCab®

Selected by WWF/GlobalFOCUS as one of 12 of the foremost climate entrepreneurs in Sweden.
See www.wwf.se and report pp. 40-41
Furter national and international attention of SkyCab
-Nominated to the final in the World Summit Clean Tech in Barcelona.
-Listed on One Big Thing by former US ambassador Michael Wood as one of the 28 ”hottest” Swedish Cleantech-companies.
-Highlighted by Confederation of Swedish Enterprise as one of 20 products and services that generates environmental benefits. See more »
-Listed by Swedish Energy Agency as a company with export potential in the JI/CDM markets.
-Highlighted by Stockholm Business Region, Cleantech Scandinavia and the City of Stockholm as one of 33 promising companies in the Stockholm area.
-Listed by SVID, Swedish Industrial Design Foundation, as a Good Example for industrial design inspiration. See more »
-Supported by Motions in the Parliament (several political parties), Banverket (Swedish Rail), Power Circle, the Swedish Institute, and Trade Unions.

-SkyCab participates in the Swedish Governments initiative for sustainable city development, SymbioCity.

SkyCab® provides less exhaust emission
SkyCab is a new "green" intelligent transportation system. SkyCab has no drivers (automatic) and no pollution. The SkyCab Project is working in a network with international relations together with several cities, R&D institutions and an industrial group. The aim of the SkyCab Project is to supplement buses, (local) trains and undergrounds with a convenient, non-polluting and cost effective new innovative form of public transport, a personalized rapid transit system.
A SkyCab vehicle runs on guide ways 4 to 5 meters above ground level in a comprehensive network and it can accommodate up to four passengers on each individual journey. The system operates day and night in any weather (even snow and ice). It has no timetable restrictions and transports the passengers to their selected station without intermediate stops.
A SkyCab vehicle runs on guide ways 4 to 5 meters above ground level in a comprehensive network and it can accommodate up to four passengers on each individual journey. The system operates day and night in any weather (even snow and ice). It has no timetable restrictions and transports the passengers to their selected station without intermediate stops.
Welcome to … A New way to Travel!
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Top 10 design work for SkyCab
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SkyCab selected and nominated by OECD
SkyCab was selected by OECD as one of four Swedish eco-innovations – ”a prominent practise”
The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, OECD, will implement a project on Green Growth & Eco-Innovation. The project has secured the signed cooperation of 20 countries. See www.oecd.org/sti/innovation/green. With regard to Sweden, OECD has selected four "prominent practices” regarding eco-innovation for further studies. One of these is SkyCab.
Dr. Åke Åredal, SkyCab CEO and President, was interviewed by the Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth - Tillväxtverket (commissioned by OECD through the Swedish Ministry of Enterprise, Energy and Communication). The Swedish Agency has sent these responses from SkyCab to OECD in Paris for further consideration and action.
A final OECD document will be published early in 2012.
OECD is an international organization helping governments tackle the economic, social, and governance challenges of a globalised economy.
SkyCab is a Personal Rapid Transit (PRT) project with a unique concept. SkyCab built and demonstrated the first test track in Sweden for PRT in Hofors (a full scale moving indoor prototype). SkyCab is a new sustainable way of travelling that uses independently directed automatic vehicles in urban areas.
A significant study, from among several commissioned, illustrates how Stockholm Airport City and the Arlanda region can be more precisely integrated with SkyCab supplementing travel between the Märsta rail station, Arlandastad, and the Arlanda airport with a system capacity of seven million passengers per year.
Welcome to Skycab in the USA!
Meet us at the exhibition Facing the Future - Sustainability the Swedish Way Swedish Embassy Washington.
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Sky’s the limit for public transit
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Top 10 design work for SkyCab
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SkyCab selected and nominated by OECD
SkyCab was selected by OECD as one of four Swedish eco-innovations – ”a prominent practise”
The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, OECD, will implement a project on Green Growth & Eco-Innovation. The project has secured the signed cooperation of 20 countries. See www.oecd.org/sti/innovation/green. With regard to Sweden, OECD has selected four "prominent practices” regarding eco-innovation for further studies. One of these is SkyCab.
Dr. Åke Åredal, SkyCab CEO and President, was interviewed by the Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth - Tillväxtverket (commissioned by OECD through the Swedish Ministry of Enterprise, Energy and Communication). The Swedish Agency has sent these responses from SkyCab to OECD in Paris for further consideration and action.
A final OECD document will be published early in 2012.
OECD is an international organization helping governments tackle the economic, social, and governance challenges of a globalised economy.
SkyCab is a Personal Rapid Transit (PRT) project with a unique concept. SkyCab built and demonstrated the first test track in Sweden for PRT in Hofors (a full scale moving indoor prototype). SkyCab is a new sustainable way of travelling that uses independently directed automatic vehicles in urban areas.
A significant study, from among several commissioned, illustrates how Stockholm Airport City and the Arlanda region can be more precisely integrated with SkyCab supplementing travel between the Märsta rail station, Arlandastad, and the Arlanda airport with a system capacity of seven million passengers per year.
Welcome to Skycab in the USA!
Meet us at the exhibition Facing the Future - Sustainability the Swedish Way Swedish Embassy Washington.
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